Friday, January 1, 2010

The End of an David Tennant Era

Well I can officially say it is the end of a decade, why? Because David Tennant is ending his reign as the BEST DOCTOR WHO EVER!! His last special before the Doctor regenerates into some new guy that is not nearly as handsome as David. I mean Ill give him a chance as the Doctor but it will never be the same. There was just something about David I can out my finger on it but if I could o0o the things I would do with that man. Luckily I was able to get a cardboard cut out of him for my birthday before they were all gone or didn't make them anymore. I have placed him behind my head board in by bedroom so I can stare at him before I fall asleep. I can not say that I have seen every single episode that he was in, we only stared watching it because Catherine Tate was on it. That's when our obsession began and we fell in love. He has been in other things like Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, so I still have that to watch and see him in. As well as various You Tube clips and reruns of course that I will DVR and save forever. But 2010 is a sad year no more David Tennant Doctor Who but lets hope the rest of the year looks up!!!

The video below is him on Comic Relief with Catherine Tate, spoofin him as the Doctor.

And here is a look at the new Doctor, it looks good but he has big shoes to fill. I just hope he is as good as David, I know he will being something new into the show but I like the old better, hahaha, I believe most of us do. Well here is a video who he is and a look into what he brings, cheers!


  1. I love that clip! Hilarious. You are right Doctor Who just wont be the same

  2. Those were great clips. Thanks for them.

