o0o blogging I don't know where to start. I know some people who do it everyday (cough Mom cough) I am lucky if I remember my password to this dam thing. Its

not like I don't get any bad ideas, I have awesome ideas, fucking fantastic ideas. I just never seem to remember them, I did have a book at one time, I'm sure I still have to write thing I think of down and funny things I mention. It just take up too much space in my purse, though I carry my sonic screwdriver around. But if I may say that has a purpose it is like a flashlight and its awesome. Also the obscene amount of mints and the jubilee of pens as well. All important you never know when your pen may run out of ink and you will need another at least I'm prepared. I also never to seem to have the time, between, school, work, the gym and homework, anytime I have left I do nothing and by nothing I mean veg and watch the history or discovery channel. I don't go out so I don't need the time for that, I just sit at home so its not like I don't have the time I just find better things to do with it.
This all came to me because I decided to watch Julie/Julia, where Julie cooks and blogs all the recipes in Julia Child's cook book. And I like to say I am jealous the, I don't have that motivation

to do something everyday, except school or the gym cause its paid for, and need to get my moneys worth. Or work cause I need money to pay for said school and gym. But once summer comes I am going to try to get on to this thing more, no promises though. I do have other things in mind for the summer, like sleep, maybe learn how to run. I know how to run, but I mean RUN like outside on the ground not on a treadmill, not like I do that though either. I also want to finish a quilt I have started, or paint the house (not my choice my dads). And for once maybe hang out with people other than the ones at the gym or the people I work with. Have plans maybe??? Not like I have a huge number of followers so its not like I'd be disappointing anyone right? Oh well tough shit, I want to have a life away from all things. Well that's all for now, I plan on going to the gym after downing numerous treats and delicious food.
You are a funny girl, you should blog more often. Write things down in that awesome book I bought you. xx