So I am onto my 3rd hour of
Man vs Wild when I should be studding for a map quiz, but at least its a show I can learn something form right? So I see it as a fair trade off and its a quiz not and exam and its the 1st one and have no idea how he does them. But if I ever get lost in so remote wilderness I can survive because of Bear Grylls and the random shit I carry in my bag, on my person or whatever nature can give me. So I have been watching his show fro 3 hours but I have been watching Discovery channel since like 3 so that what a total of 6 hours, I see nothing wrong with it. Its all been educational shows I don't

know what the name of the 1st show I was watching but it was how to survive in the wild not as CRAZY and Man vs Wild but same concept but you can have a we bit more than the bare minimum. Next was Cash Cab, I LOVE Cash Cab, for those who don't know what it is, it is a cab in NYC that travels around picking up people and bringing them places. But here's the catch you answer questions as you go and get $$$$ for them but if you get 3 wrong your out. How awesome is that!? I feel I would do well on it I can answer all the question when I watch it and I know who my mobile shout outs would be (G-Pop you better answer the phone when I call!) your allowed one of those, you also can ask someone out on the street to and you get a red light challenge worth 250 big ones if you get it right (if wrong you don't get penalized)! Between these 3 shows that I have watched I have learned allot such as:
How to check if a fruit is edible or will kill me
How to zip line over 150 cavern
What bugs are high in protein
Whats good to stop diarrhea after eating said bugs/fruit
How to clean water with iodine (if you carry that around) or coal (more likely form fire)
How to lite the needed fire
How to scale waterfalls and climb down them using a shoelace
And various other things form Cash Cab that's just cool to know
They are very good shows I definitely recommend watching them you never know when you m

ade need them. I mean I don't plan on going to Montana and getting lost for fun I mean who's that crazy to do that job not me. I think Ill stick to place that have hospital not immune to earthquakes, volcanoes, typhoon, yah know stuff like that. I mean I want to camping like in a tent in a cabin doest count that's crap like in a tent camping but at a place where there is plumbing, some sort of communication to other people even if its via radio, just putting that out there, is that too much to ask for? And every time I have been to NYC, yes it was only twice I didn't find the Cash Cab, this saddened me. My mom and I would have rocked it and we could have split the money, what a bummer. But because of these shows and the common sense that I have I feel I could survive if God forbid (knock on wood) I had too or answer some crazy question that are thrown at me.
Here a clip of Man vs. Wild but warning he eats a huge grub so if squeamish do not watch
Man Vs. Wild - Eating Giant Larva - The funniest movie is here. Find it
That was gross....ewwwwwww