This past week has been either really good or horrible (thanks to work), I actually had things to do last weekend! That was huge for

me, since I normally live in sweat pants and do homework, well attempt to. Last week my friend had a Halloween party and it was awesome, I dressed up as a waitress form Merllote’s from True Blood, it was awesome. I made sure dad dropped me off so I could enjoy myself, he suggested it than asked me why he was doing it. I replied so a) I and others will live, b) not get arrested, and c) not ruin his new car, he

agreed. We also set a time he would get me so I wouldn’t be calling him at some random hour in the night/early morning to get me. The next day was pretty sweet too if you ask me, I went trick-or-treating with my sister and my bff Amanda. Yes two 21 yr old and a 16 yr old went out to get candy, but hey, we were dressed up. My mom said she would give candy out to anyone who had put forth an effort to dress up and we had put forth and effort. Em half assed her costume form the other nights and jut went as a pink thing, Amanda was Miss Wonderland and again I was the waitress but traded the shorts for jeans. By the end of the night poor Amanda and I couldn’t feel out hands, we should have worn gloves and more layers. But by the end of the night we totally hit the jack pot of candy which I am still working on. And here how we got the candy one at one of the houses we stopped at the woman asked if we were seniors, we are seniors just in college so it wasn’t a lie, we just went along with it. Overall it was AWESOME; next year will just be as good.
Unfortunately the rest of the week sucked I literally worked every day, I know people do it all the time but I also have school on top of it and most you get paid more than I do. It also doesn’t help that the new asst. manager talks down to me like I don’t know how to do my job and am an idiot. I have been there for 3 yrs I know what I am doing if I have a problem or question I’ll ask otherwise leave me be. The next thing that I was livid about was I ask for 2 days off the Manager agreed to but never wrote down and than I was scheduled for. I had the asst. look in the book maybe she wrote it down and never put in the computer, nope. So what does she say to me “Well that’s your problem” with attitude. Umm hell no, just cause you’re a manager doesn’t mean you talk down to people and treat them like shit. It did get better Friday I was called out they didn’t need me, thank god, and the Manager did remember I asked for it off and agreed so she is gonna find someone to cover and I don’t need to worry about it. All I can say it SUCK ON THAT ASST. MANAGER!!!

Than the week goes out with a bang cause today Em, Mom and I all went to the Science Museum to see

Whales, narrated by Patrick Stewart. I only wanted to go cause Capt. Picard was narrating it, but it was very good, got a little nauseas but still awesome. It was even better cause Leonard Nemoy was in the introduction to what the Omni Theater is and how it works

, so it was 10 TIMES BETTER!!! A Trekkies Dream. After that we got a sneak peak at the new exhibits going on at the museum, a K’nex one which was aight if I was 5 since it was mainly building and playing with the toys. But the other one Reptiles was so cool, they had all different types of

reptiles. They have various snakes like a Gaboon Viper, or an Alligator Snapping Turtle, HUGE! They had these weird lizard? things to that were literally stuck tot he glass of their case, it was bazaar to think an animal can do that. Here's a little fun fact for you the only place in the world other than Antarctica not to have snake, Ireland cause St. Patrick had sent them away, for what reason that I do not know. After we were done there we went to and sat in the Cotton-top Tamarin, they were so cute. So the week started good went shitty than ended awesomely and even learned a few thing along the way.
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