So my last post was in November saying what I was thankful for. Well since then I have started my last semester of my college career. I plan on taking a year off and working than maybe going back but after 13yrs of school taking a year off isnt bad. I dont quite know what I want to do yet with my degree in History but I have some idea Id like to work in a museum either a art one or something like the Smithsonian. But I have time to decide Im 21 and graduation isnt until May, till then I will be folding and censoring clothes at the Dirty Bird.
While I wait for graduation to come I have a few fun amazing things planned between now and then. The first thing that is coming up is I am seeing Lady Gaga again with a friend, it was so last minute but I had to do and I dont care if it is a school night I am going! Then 4 days later I will be seeing Elton John, I feel I will be going thru a lot of glitter that week. Gaga the second time around I can study her music and be so prepared and have a banging outfit! I mean I have the gay boys I am going to have to compete with. The only bad thing about seeing Elton will he will not be wearing a big gay sparkly outfit. I mean yes he is a gay man and any outfit he wears will be but I want the Statue of Liberty or a bedazzled base ball outfit but I have already prepared myself for disappointment.
Than in May I am going to a Red Sox game I think they play baseball but I am not sure I dont watch that sport. I do not own any Sox gear either so i think I will just wear Pats stuff in stead its the same thing right? Whatever when in doubt I can just wear red, and another thing I have no idea what goes on in Baseball, so I should prob read up on it. But Im sure instead Ill just drink beer and eat hot dogs and just cheer when everybody else does. Dont ask me who is playing cause as far as I know beer will be there and that is all that matters. So for a game plan it sounds good me.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Friday, November 26, 2010
What am I thankful for?

What am I thankful for? Since it is Thanksgiving break, I am thankful to be away from school and work, though I had to work Black Friday, which wasn’t that bad I worked in the back so I barely had to deal with the people, SCORE! Well I am thankful for my family and friends that I have. They are always there for me and give the best advice. I am also thankful for my job as much as I hate at least I have one in this economy and I like most (95%) of my coworkers.
Here is a list of thing that I am thankful for as well in particular order:
Doctor Who (really!? Do you need to ask see posting further below)
Clothes (keep you warm and not naked)
Food (who doesn’t love food)
Chocolate (enough said)
Music (mainly show tunes they make you happy)(and dancing is fun)
Planet Fitness (I live there)
Technology (how else would we keep in touch, letters? pfft)
My Cats Raison and Lucky (they keep me warm in the winter)
Snazzy socks (they always dress up an outfit)
Sweats (to do my no pants dance in)
Laughing (cause it fun)
Movies/books/TV shows (they can take you away from real life for a while)
Warm clothes form the dryer (if you haven’t tried it you should its AWESOME)
Inside jokes (giggling is fun (see laughing))
And I am sure there are many many more just can’t think of them at the moment
Here is a list of thing that I am thankful for as well in particular order:
Doctor Who (really!? Do you need to ask see posting further below)
Clothes (keep you warm and not naked)
Food (who doesn’t love food)
Chocolate (enough said)
Music (mainly show tunes they make you happy)(and dancing is fun)
Planet Fitness (I live there)
Technology (how else would we keep in touch, letters? pfft)
My Cats Raison and Lucky (they keep me warm in the winter)
Snazzy socks (they always dress up an outfit)
Sweats (to do my no pants dance in)
Laughing (cause it fun)
Movies/books/TV shows (they can take you away from real life for a while)
Warm clothes form the dryer (if you haven’t tried it you should its AWESOME)
Inside jokes (giggling is fun (see laughing))
And I am sure there are many many more just can’t think of them at the moment
Saturday, November 6, 2010
A Reptilian Whale Halloween!?
This past week has been either really good or horrible (thanks to work), I actually had things to do last weekend! That was huge for
me, since I normally live in sweat pants and do homework, well attempt to. Last week my friend had a Halloween party and it was awesome, I dressed up as a waitress form Merllote’s from True Blood, it was awesome. I made sure dad dropped me off so I could enjoy myself, he suggested it than asked me why he was doing it. I replied so a) I and others will live, b) not get arrested, and c) not ruin his new car, he
agreed. We also set a time he would get me so I wouldn’t be calling him at some random hour in the night/early morning to get me. The next day was pretty sweet too if you ask me, I went trick-or-treating with my sister and my bff Amanda. Yes two 21 yr old and a 16 yr old went out to get candy, but hey, we were dressed up. My mom said she would give candy out to anyone who had put forth an effort to dress up and we had put forth and effort. Em half assed her costume form the other nights and jut went as a pink thing, Amanda was Miss Wonderland and again I was the waitress but traded the shorts for jeans. By the end of the night poor Amanda and I couldn’t feel out hands, we should have worn gloves and more layers. But by the end of the night we totally hit the jack pot of candy which I am still working on. And here how we got the candy one at one of the houses we stopped at the woman asked if we were seniors, we are seniors just in college so it wasn’t a lie, we just went along with it. Overall it was AWESOME; next year will just be as good.
Unfortunately the rest of the week sucked I literally worked every day, I know people do it all the time but I also have school on top of it and most you get paid more than I do. It also doesn’t help that the new asst. manager talks down to me like I don’t know how to do my job and am an idiot. I have been there for 3 yrs I know what I am doing if I have a problem or question I’ll ask otherwise leave me be. The next thing that I was livid about was I ask for 2 days off the Manager agreed to but never wrote down and than I was scheduled for. I had the asst. look in the book maybe she wrote it down and never put in the computer, nope. So what does she say to me “Well that’s your problem” with attitude. Umm hell no, just cause you’re a manager doesn’t mean you talk down to people and treat them like shit. It did get better Friday I was called out they didn’t need me, thank god, and the Manager did remember I asked for it off and agreed so she is gonna find someone to cover and I don’t need to worry about it. All I can say it SUCK ON THAT ASST. MANAGER!!!

Than the week goes out with a bang cause today Em, Mom and I all went to the Science Museum to see
Whales, narrated by Patrick Stewart. I only wanted to go cause Capt. Picard was narrating it, but it was very good, got a little nauseas but still awesome. It was even better cause Leonard Nemoy was in the introduction to what the Omni Theater is and how it works
, so it was 10 TIMES BETTER!!! A Trekkies Dream. After that we got a sneak peak at the new exhibits going on at the museum, a K’nex one which was aight if I was 5 since it was mainly building and playing with the toys. But the other one Reptiles was so cool, they had all different types of
reptiles. They have various snakes like a Gaboon Viper, or an Alligator Snapping Turtle, HUGE! They had these weird lizard? things to that were literally stuck tot he glass of their case, it was bazaar to think an animal can do that. Here's a little fun fact for you the only place in the world other than Antarctica not to have snake, Ireland cause St. Patrick had sent them away, for what reason that I do not know. After we were done there we went to and sat in the Cotton-top Tamarin, they were so cute. So the week started good went shitty than ended awesomely and even learned a few thing along the way.

Unfortunately the rest of the week sucked I literally worked every day, I know people do it all the time but I also have school on top of it and most you get paid more than I do. It also doesn’t help that the new asst. manager talks down to me like I don’t know how to do my job and am an idiot. I have been there for 3 yrs I know what I am doing if I have a problem or question I’ll ask otherwise leave me be. The next thing that I was livid about was I ask for 2 days off the Manager agreed to but never wrote down and than I was scheduled for. I had the asst. look in the book maybe she wrote it down and never put in the computer, nope. So what does she say to me “Well that’s your problem” with attitude. Umm hell no, just cause you’re a manager doesn’t mean you talk down to people and treat them like shit. It did get better Friday I was called out they didn’t need me, thank god, and the Manager did remember I asked for it off and agreed so she is gonna find someone to cover and I don’t need to worry about it. All I can say it SUCK ON THAT ASST. MANAGER!!!

Than the week goes out with a bang cause today Em, Mom and I all went to the Science Museum to see

Monday, October 18, 2010
Better Late than Never
Its fall, I have gotten lazy and by that mean all I have is homework (papers) my job and studying. I have been meaning to do these more often I always seem to have fabulous ideas but forget them by the time I get home. This is a very late summer post but here it is none the less,
in July I went to Lady Gaga and it was AWESOME!! She sang fabulously and had her show down to a T. I wouldn’t even call it a concert it was more of a show. She had a storyline of getting to the Monster Ball and to get there she had to dance and sing her ass off on the way. Her outfits were outrageous yet refined, at one point she had her tits and crotch a blazed with sparks it was a sight to see. Gaga even sang an older song I had never heard of and a new song that was going to be on her upcoming album. She even played instrument when she could, she played the piano, key tar, and an oboe type thing. Overall it was epic definitely a must see if you can.
The next thing I did this summer was go to Cleveland, Ohio for 4 days. You may ask what is in there or why would you go? Well my mom has some friends out there she wanted to go see again and they so happen to have one of the cutest babies ever, so why not. Oh yeah, there is also the Rock aNd Roll Hall of Fame, did you know Frank Sinatra isn’t in it? I kno
w, I am a little upset about it as well. It has literally almost everyone else in it but him, even his bff Sammy Davis Jr. is in there, wtf. I did enjoy seeing all the outfits certain artist wore and the hand written lyrics. I was also looking forward to seeing a big gay Elton John outfit, instead all I saw was a pink suit with a purple fur trimmed collar. No that was not gay enough for me I want glitter, sequins, fringe and beads everywhere and all I got was that. My mom always talks about the costumes he use to wear when he was younger and I wanted to see one, but not dice. And of course while we were there, we bowed down to the Michael glove (gag me), but I did enjoy the ZZ Top set up they had, the Queen, and Van Morrison as well. Who would have thought how small these men are but it makes sense with all the drugs they did.
We also went for my mom’s friends, she met them thru blogs, twitter and wha
t not online. The couple we went out to see has the cutest little baby ever. Her name in Addison and she is adorable. All I want to do is pinch her cheeks and play with her.
I loved all the noises she made, have you ever heard a baby growl, well it’s the cutest thing ever. Even her older sister was cute (in a different way) she is 8 and boy she can talk your ear off. The cuteness between the 2 of them was too much to handle. I mean look at them so cute (that was in July Im sure they are even cuter now)
Finally in the last month of summer we saw Green day again. They were even better this time around. They also sang older songs and ones off their current CD that was out. AFI opened for them, but I had to work so I was picked up than drove there. So by the time we got there we
had missed them but that is okay form what we heard walking towards the venue they kinda sucked. We also saw Keane and all I need to say is THEY WERE AWESOME. If you have never heard of them I suggest you look them up. They are a piano base, but have changed it up for every album and know how to put on a show. All of them got us off our feet and dancing. Next was a f
amily field trip to Lexington and Concord, yah know the place where a little war called the Revolution started. It was bad ass, and I am not just saying that because I am a history major, even my mom had fun. It rained every single day we were there but it was still loads of fun. It made realize what I would like to do with my impending degree either work in a museum or be a teacher.

The next thing I did this summer was go to Cleveland, Ohio for 4 days. You may ask what is in there or why would you go? Well my mom has some friends out there she wanted to go see again and they so happen to have one of the cutest babies ever, so why not. Oh yeah, there is also the Rock aNd Roll Hall of Fame, did you know Frank Sinatra isn’t in it? I kno

We also went for my mom’s friends, she met them thru blogs, twitter and wha

Finally in the last month of summer we saw Green day again. They were even better this time around. They also sang older songs and ones off their current CD that was out. AFI opened for them, but I had to work so I was picked up than drove there. So by the time we got there we

Saturday, September 11, 2010
Remebering All Who Those Who We Lost

Exactly 9 yrs ago today one of the most horrible thing in the history of the United States happened, the terrorist attacks in New York, Pennsylvania and Washington. I cant tell you how grateful I am now to all those people who gave up their lives to save others. I was in Math class in 7th grade at the time when the 1st plane hit, I didn't know exactly what was going on or the magnitude of it either. But after 9 yrs today we still remember the sacrifice they did on that faithful day, I send out all my love and prayers to those wonderful angels in heaven and to those families that now have angels watching over and protecting them. As a nation we are still split when it comes to the former or current president but on today we unite together and give thanks to all the lost souls as we should. God Bless all 2974 lives that were lost too soon, we will never forget what you did.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Chocolate Bunnies
So today is Easter, so that means Jesus has risen!!!! or if you like me tomorrow Cadbury Eggs will be on sale and must buy them all before they are gone forever, well till next year. Easter is my favorite holiday, not because I'm religious but because I love the candy i
t my favorite part. When February hits I'm on the look out for them, and every time I stop at CVS I have to get some and enjoy them while they last. I can only imagine all the money I have spent on the thing but it is so worth it. On Valentines Day I give people Easter candy over the heart shaped crap cause its way better I just love candy it doesn't matter what time of year it is, but Easter has the best kind so there is exactly a year I have to wait now till they will be back and ready to be enjoyed. I have already hit up one CVS and got a bag of eggs, but Ill be back for more when they are on clearance for them and any type of candy I like.
Well I'm getting off topic, I only bring this up because a friend of mine form school posted on facebook that she bad for easting the chocolate bunnies we get in our baskets because bunnies are cute. I responded to her saying don't feel bad its there job to be delicious and ours to enjoy
them. Not that the cuteness of one animal stops me form enjoying eating them cause otherwise if it did Id be a vegetarian. But if you think about it is they destiny in life to be eaten so why feel bad. I feel bad for the ones that don't get eaten and are thrown away never to be enjoyed by others. They all should be in baskets and delivered to everyone so they can be eaten and fulfill they life goal, other wise what else do they have to live for? Share the chocolate bunny wealth. SAVE THE BUNNIES!!!!!!!!! Sorry Peta write what you'd like about this but I'm just talking bout the chocolate type, the real ones will be for a different post. But I will say I did enjoy the lamb I had for dinner.
P.S. This picture is just of laughs its peeps sushi and I feel the need to share it with everyone. It was orginally posted my PostSecret on Twitter.

Well I'm getting off topic, I only bring this up because a friend of mine form school posted on facebook that she bad for easting the chocolate bunnies we get in our baskets because bunnies are cute. I responded to her saying don't feel bad its there job to be delicious and ours to enjoy

P.S. This picture is just of laughs its peeps sushi and I feel the need to share it with everyone. It was orginally posted my PostSecret on Twitter.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Tardis Easter
Before just took a crayon to it and drew on the out lined as you can see there is the door and above it says Police Box. But as you can see above it came out pink, DT would not approve.
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