So my mom is better than yours and it’s true, I’m sorry but it’s true. Does your mom take you to concerts and really awesome place and do really awesome things, well mine does. She may not
cook, clean or do much yard work but she does fun stuff to make up for it. Like she has taken me most all of the concerts I have been to or has paid for the ones she didn’t go to. Well this time around she has a few more notches she can add to her belt, like she is taking my sister and myself to see Eddie Izzard a man whom I love, though he maybe a tranny I still love him. It is an early Christmas present though we won’t see him till January it is just that we found out before Christmas which I am so fine with. That is only because when I saw he was in Boston I called her immediately and said get some please it can so be a Christmas gift. Now if I met him it be the icing on the cake and I would probably die or cry.

The next thing she has planned is a quick and by quick I mean 2 days in NYC, but I’m fine with that we did it once before and I don’t mind doing it again. The only reason we have this planned
is because on the 26th of September, there is this free museum day we can go to most of them for free, and she wanted to do the Intrepid! I am the only one who is really excited for this because I am a history major/buff and will never turn down the chance to learn something new on any given day. So I will give up sleep to get up extra early and drive the 5 hours to see this epic ship. My sister was going to go but she has a dance instead so it will be another mom and me trip and I am fine with that. It’s NYC who would turn that down but she is more into the school spirit than I am so it’s ok. She even got me out of work for that weekend, how awesome is she, like SUPER NOVA AWESOME!

If that isn’t enough she was mentioned in a magazine today, OMG can’t say you do that on a daily basis. And it was in one of her favorite magazines too, Q Magazine, it’s a British music
magazine so she will be known globally not just in the UK. Can you say your mom did that and a news paper doesn’t count, those are mainly localized areas or national not all across the world! The article she was mentioned in was about Ant and Dec to “presenters” aka comedians and there was a Q & A section where people from twitter
were able to tweet their questions to them and hope they were picked. Well you guessed she was picked, when she was reading them allowed we saw oo0o they are form MA sweet and once we saw her name we flipped. Our mom is like a mini celebrity, she has met Robbie Williams and we have the proof to show it and now this SWEET. Those are just a few reasons why my mom is better than yours, I can’t help that she can’t control her awesomeness, and she was just born that way. Maybe and I mean maybe if your luck to ever meet her she will allow you into her presences.