So her is my 1st blog post most of them will be random and will have nothing to do with much but will cover everything hence the title.

For today's topic Ill give a little insight to me. I went to high school and did Cabinet Making and now go to college for history. Two completely different topics but can go well together, how so here is my explanation for it - I tell people that I base my career choices around Harrison Ford. He was carpenter, I did cabinet making same thing though I know more than he does most likely which I am completely fine with. I go to school for history and he was Indiana Jones I WANT TO BE THAT!! so it will take a few more years of schooling to get the Dr. title but I'm fine with that I have been in school for 13+ years now whats a few more. Though he was a president and a fugitive, I don't know if I want to go down that route. I mean being the president would be cool but a fugitive not so much.